Good afternoon,

Following the publication of Decree-Law No. 15/2022, of January 14, there was a need to adapt the concept of installed power in accordance with current legislation.

Therefore, when applying for a UPAC you should consider:

Generator power: power of the electricity production equipment (in the case of photovoltaic solar energy, it is the peak power of the panels, according to the Standard Test Conditions (STC) standard).

Installed power: nominal power (in the case of photovoltaic solar energy, it corresponds to the sum of the nominal power of the inverters), which must not exceed the value of the certified power of the utilization installation (UI).

Injection power into the RESP: The injection power into the RESP is the maximum power intended to be injected into the grid, subject to the opinion of the Distribution Network Operator (ORD), which, at most, will total the sum of the nominal power of the inverters (installed power) and cannot exceed the required power of the UI.

Best regards,

Be Air